There are a lot of comedies out there, but not many are original or refreshing as they may aim to be. Its hard to write and execute an original comedy, yet Los Espookys, does it with ease. Los Espookys, is a Spanish series is about four friends who happen to be horror aficionados. After organizing a dark and gruesome quinceñera, they realize their talent has a market and there are people who wish for "dark parties". The group's leader Renaldo (who wishes to be Reynaldo) has dedicated himself to horror, and claims to have locked other feelings of his away for the sake of horror, his passion. Renaldo's friend Andŕes, a true goth with bright-blue hair and the occasional psychic visions and visits by a ghost-like lady, is the heir to a chocolate empire, Úrsula is a dentist's assistant, who is unhappy with her job and her boss. Úrsula is the brains of the operation and Tati, her sister is the ditty one, between chatting online with a cartoon prince (turned real-life Duke) and getting fooled by an MLM scheme to sell Herbalite products, helps the Los Espookys in their missions, usually pretending to be possessed. Tati's otherworldliness makes her character both adorable and interesting. The series is set in an unnamed country is South America and the first episode shows the gang's first gig. A local priest enlists their help to get back the limelight from the "young, hot priest with extremely glassy lips". To do this Father Antonio ask them to stage an exorcism, where he will exocise the spirit, thus becoming a savior and getting back into limelight. Other characters in the series include Renaldo's uncle Tico, who is living the life of his dreams, parking cars. Uncle Tico is the one who encourages Renaldo to take up organizing dark parties. Gregoria Santos is a television host who specializes in the supernatural but appears to be in a semi-catatonic, limbo-like state under the control of her handler. All the plots of Los Espookys fulfill the viewer's expectations and are a true delight to watch. Los Espookys has an abstract humor making it an absurd masterpiece. The show is intelligent and well-planned and perfectly balances the humor and it plots, making it all the more unique.
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