Quotes that inspired me to Write

I get so many ideas for stories, and I enthusiastically sit in front of my laptop and start writing. I write and write and write for a few days, regularly, and then stop. I later try to continue the story, but I can't; I simply cannot move forward with it, and with a broken heart, I abandon the story and start a new one a few days later or months later, only to repeat the same cycle all over again.

At one point, I just couldn't take it; the fact that I could write half of the story or novel and then wasn't able to move forward with the story made me question my capabilities as a writer. There were moments where I wondered if I should even put another one of my ideas on paper because what would be the point if I would only abandon it mid-way.

I stopped writing for almost a year because it was too much for me, and I lost the motivation to write, and then, one day, while I was randomly browsing, I stumbled across a quote on Quora, which has become my mantra, ever since. I remember it whenever I feel like quitting.

"You might not write well every day, but you can always edit a bad page. You can't edit a blank page."  It was a quote by Jodi Picoult, I didn't even know who Jodi Picoult was at that time, but that quote, that piece of advice, hit home for me, and since then, I have been writing almost regularly.

I'm not saying that I have written many novels because of that quote, but the motivation to write regularly returned, and that counts. I still face the same issues, I still face writer's block and get stuck, but I go on. There are moments where I question the reason why I write, but as Stephen King said,

"Writing isn't about making money, getting famous, getting dates, getting laid, or making friends. In the end, it's about enriching the lives of those who will read your work, and enriching your own life, as well. It's about getting up, getting well, and getting over it."

So I get up, get over and fill that blank, good or bad it doesn't matter, I can always edit it later, rewrite it, but in that moment I fill that page; unloading everything in my mind onto that page.

These are th quotes that have so far given me enough motivation to keep writing. Hope you too find them helpful...

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